Moms, Kids, & Summer Fun: Pt3


We’re in the home stretch!

Let’s dive into part THREE  of summer kitchen activities that your kids are SURE to love.

PS. Though it may look like this is a kitchen activity for smaller kids only, you can tweak the shapes to turn them into superheroes or dolls to appeal to the older elementary school aged kiddos too!

Here’s part 3: Paper Towel Pals

Materials needed:

-1 empty toilet paper roll per child (a paper towel roll can be cut in thirds to make three)

-Multicolored tissue paper

-Colored markers


-Any other craft supplies you want to add (optional):

  • puff balls
  • pipe cleaners
  • googly eyes
  • Elmers glue


SIMPLE: Set the kids down at the kitchen counter with a cut open garbage bag beneath their working space in case the markers end up outside of the roll. Tape an initial layer of tissue paper around the roll to get a base color for the “body”, then decorate however you like! If you have a hole puncher handy, you can even punch a hole and tie in some string or loose ribbon to


This is a simple way to gather the kids together for a fun hour inside with the air conditioning that all of us Floridians desperately need this time of year. If your kitchen isn’t one that just by the looks of it- motivates you to spend time with your family- give us a call today to hear about our current promotion (expiring soon) that could get you a new kitchen countertop for less than $2,000.