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Keeping The Kitchen The Heart Of Your Home- Part 2

With school right around the corner, let’s dive in to part 2- Involving everyone in a cooking/cleaning dance party


It’s no secret that the fridge is one of the most looked at and touched item in the house by FAR. What if we used that fact to our advantage when thinking about intentionally gathering our family together in the kitchen?

This tip is intuitive and could not be easier. Here’s the recipe for the perfect storm of fun meets “get things done”

  1. Prior to dinner time, assign each person present an age appropriate task in dinner cooking or preparation. Ask each person for two songs they like (you can time this out to ensure you have roughly 15-30 minutes of music, depending on the cook and prep time of that night’s dinner.
  2. Play the music and instruct everyone to focus on their task, pausing it once it’s time to eat. Involving kids in the kitchen increases the memories made in it- not to mention that they get to learn some invaluable life skills.
  3. Rinse and repeat for the clean up process. One of the best parts about having fun while cleaning is that it emphasizes the fact that cleaning isn’t a punishment, just a necessary part of living life- and one that you can have fun while doing!

As designers of dream spaces, including kitchens, we here at Contractor Source think everyone should LOVE the kitchen they live in, not avoid it. If you want to get your hands on brand new white kitchen countertops for only  $1,999 before school starts back up, call us today.